We are a micro SME based in Somerset, in the South West of England. Founded in 2012, we specialise in developing AI, in particular for image processing. We also offer consultancy in software, control, systems integration, metrology and machine vision.
Company director, Dr Simon Harding, has a BSc in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and a PhD in Electronics. He has worked as a post-doctoral researcher in machine learning in many major universities and institutions, including IDSIA(Switzerland), EPFL (Switzerland), Memorial University (Canada), the University of Bristol, University of West England and the University of York.
He has over 60 peer reviewed publications that are relevant to machine learning, computer vision, data visualisation, data processing, robotics, unconventional computation and computer science.
VAT number: GB239992156
Company Registration: 8045374
Registered Address:
Machine Intelligence Ltd
Ponds Cottage
Somerset, UK
TA23 0SL